The Telescope

to watch the cosmos and its secrets.

Remember, this page is a Work In Progress, so don't expect a lot of features or decor around just yet!

This page is gonna be just me enjoying and sharing some facts about space!

Update: This is gonna be the page in which I also ramble about my day to day!

This is the Telescope, where we observe the marvels of the cosmos in which we live. Come with me, let's see some stars together.

Here I'll post about some things that happen about space every so often, so don't forget to check around!



Normally I would come here to enjoy looking at the stars to wind down after a day, but today I am not having the best of times doing so...

Recently I went to the optometrist, aka the eye doctors, and the end result is that I won't have my glasses for a while, since they need them to measure my new lenses. In short,, looking at my computer hurts, and I am not very happy about it. ╥﹏╥

I guess I need to find something to do while things go back to normal... oh, I have an idea! Check the Record Player room soon!

Peace and.... Tranquility?


On looking at this from certain angles, I think it becomes a bit clear that I am not designed without vidoegames in mind, and that is not a necessarily good thing at this moment.

I am currently in a peacefuul beach area of my home country, and I mean quite peaceful, to the point where the amount of things that actually happen here can be counted in your hands if you don't contribute actively to the number.

Normally one would think that this is something that would reasonably be helpful for dealing with stress, you know? No city sounds, a calm area with a pool you get to swim in, all that good stuff.

Oddly enough however, I keep looking at my clock trying to see if the day is going forward or if my perception of time is going bonkers again, because I kinda miss the normal flow of life. Too much peace for me I guess, or maybe I need to get off the computer more (probably that, but it ain't likely I could do that.)

I do have to admit I am more relaxed than I was when we arrived, though that is mostly because I have gotten the chance to sleep in pretty late. That is making the days extra short, though, since it's going dark at 17:35 over here! That's insane to me!

I can only hope that time will pass by quickly today...

These pages are currently in construction: